66. Rain, Rain Go Away…

We have had a lot of rain this past week followed by some cooler weather (not freezing but still cooler than I’d like). The rain did allow for my peas and beets to germinate and start growing. It does appear that we have a warm up coming next week as we move into April.

At this point in the season all my cool season crops are planting so now it is a waiting game on the weather to warm and stay warm so I can begin the planting for my summer crops. One thing on my to do list is to work on my in ground space. It needs compost in the planting areas and I need to create walking paths. The problem is, the whole space is very muddy from all the rain we’ve been getting so it’s been hard to get out there and work it. Hopefully soon I can get out there and spend a day working on it. It won’t take too much to get it ready, especially if I can enlist some help from my husband.

One of my focuses this year is going to be learning how to grow a lot of different types of flowers. I have a dream/goal in mind of someday maybe growing cut flowers to sell. I feel like learning now will allow me room to make mistakes and figure out what works best for me. I purchased a few plug trays from an online supplier to get experience with them and see the difference from my seed started flowers to the plug trays. Obviously the plugs are farther along than my seed started flowers but it will be interesting to see the differences as they grow.

My husband has been busy with building projects recently. He has built me some planters for this year to go in the front of the house because purchasing what I wanted was going to be very expensive. He also built me a washing station for the garden so I can wash off produce before bringing it to the house. I can’t wait to try it out!

One last thing on my to do list soon is potting up my tomatoes and peppers. Even though I technically don’t have long before they can go in the ground, I will be going on a camping trip in a couple of weeks so all my planting will wait until after that’s over before anything goes outside. So far my peppers have been slow growing this year and I have been growing (pun intended) impatient with them. I hope potting them up will help them to grow faster. My tomatoes are doing well but need bigger space to support more root growth. With 70 some tomato plants, it takes awhile to get them all potted up. Hoping to get that chore checked off my list soon.


67. The Beginning of the Busy Season


65. More Spring Planting and Freezes